Hire freelancers compliantly under the DBA act

Maxime is the perfect tool for small and medium-sized businesses to hire freelancers compliantly under the DBA Act. Our platform takes care of all the complex work, so you don’t have to.

Guaranteed 100% DBA compliance

Create compliant contracts and manage your freelancers

Automate compliance checks, create robust contracts, and easily manage freelancers. Work risk-free and fully compliant while saving time and costs.
Woman working on a laptop in a relaxed setting, accompanied by an icon symbolizing a verified profile and compliant contracts.

Onboard and hire freelancers without worrying about false self-employment

Automated compliance checks

Automated review of agreements to ensure compliance with the DBA Act.

Create digital contracts

Create robust contracts and manage them directly within our platform.

Advice and support

Our experts are ready to assist with specific questions about the DBA Act.

Preventing false self-employment

Our tools help identify and avoid situations that may lead to false self-employment.

The first step to compliance: digital onboarding and create clear contracts

Maxime simplifies compliance by offering a seamless digital onboarding process and tools to create clear, compliant contracts. Our platform ensures that every freelancer you hire is onboarded efficiently, with all necessary documentation in place to meet DBA Act requirements.

Digital ID Verification

Maxime provides secure and efficient ID verification to confirm the identity of freelancers during onboarding.

Digital employee files

Maxime organizes all freelancer and employee documents in one secure, digital file. 

KVK (CoC) compliance check

Maxime ensures full compliance by verifying Chamber of Commerce (KVK) registrations.

Automated contract renewal

Maxime streamlines contract management with automated renewals. Never miss a deadline and ensure continuous compliance.

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Discover how Maxime can help you with the DBA act.

What is the DBA act?

The DBA Act (Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties) is a Dutch law that regulates working relationships between freelancers and companies. It ensures clarity on whether someone is genuinely self-employed or effectively an employee, which impacts tax and social contributions. The law aims to prevent disguised employment and affects both freelancers, who must maintain compliance to protect their self-employed status, and organizations, which risk fines or tax penalties for non-compliance. By promoting transparency, the DBA Act ensures fairness in the Dutch labor market for both parties.

Hire anyone, anywhere with 100% ensured compliance


Per employee/month

Frequently asked questions about the DBA act

What are the risks of non-compliance with the DBA Act?

Non-compliance with the DBA Act can lead to fines, reputational damage, and tax back-payments for disguised employment, where freelancers are treated as employees without proper arrangements.

Do foreign companies hiring Dutch freelancers need to comply with the DBA Act?

Yes, foreign companies hiring freelancers in the Netherlands must comply with the DBA Act to avoid penalties and ensure proper tax and labor compliance.

How can freelancers prove they are self-employed under the DBA Act?

Freelancers can demonstrate self-employment by having proper contracts, maintaining a valid Chamber of Commerce (KVK) registration, and working according to the guidelines set out in the DBA Act.


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